Dealing with Anxiety during Highly Stressful Situations

Amy Taylor January 26, 2023

We all have been through tough moments, like having to talk to strangers, facing a job interview, explaining to our boss, or going through sleepless nights to meet a deadline. Maybe you get anxious about going to social gatherings, speaking in front of others, or asking questions. Whatever it is that triggers your anxiety, there is an effective way to deal with it.

Here are some great tips to manage anxiety during highly stressful moments.

Stop thinking too much.

Don’t always assume that people are judging you, or even focused on you alone. We are often caught up with our first-impression worries that people are probably not noticing you as much as you think they are. If going to a party or meeting is making you anxious, make an effort to take yourself out of the equation and try to focus on what’s in front of you—the purpose of being there.

Tune in to your body.

Mentally tune in to your body and assess how stress is affecting you. Is it causing ‘butterflies in your stomach’? Is it causing you headache and back pain? Is it making breathing difficult? After realising where does stress and anxiety attacks your body, you can do something to ease the discomfort.

Realise that it’s not just you.

You may feel like you’re the only one who gets anxious. But in reality, there are many others who deal with anxiety. That means if you’re in some type of gathering, perhaps a meeting for example, chances are there will be other people around you who are uncomfortable. Knowing this can make you feel calmer and more relaxed.

Breathe deeply.

Take a 5-minute break and focus on your breathing. Sit up straight, close your eyes, and place your hands on your belly. Slowly inhale through your nose. Feel as the breath start in your abdomen and work its way to the top of your head. Reverse the process as you exhale through your mouth. This very simple trick can do great wonders.

Reach out.

Seeking social support is one of the best ways to handle stress and anxiety. Talk to your best friend, sibling, partner or anyone else you’re comfortable with. Share what’s going on. You can get a fresh perspective, and at the same time, keep your social connection strong.

Be present.

Lastly, focus on the present moment. Avoid ruminating or worrying about the possible bad things that could happen. Practise mindfulness and make it a part of your daily routine. Over time, you will be amazed of how this mind-body exercise can keep prevent anxiety or stress from ruining your life.


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