7 Brain Damaging Habits Most of Us are Guilty Of

Keighley Brown February 16, 2023

 There’s a reason why our brain is on the top most part of our body. Basically, it is one of the most important and it plays plenty of major roles. So, just as you take good care of your heart, nervous system, and all of your body parts, you also want to take good care of your brain.

But how do you ensure that your brain is in its best state? Apart from maintaining a healthy lifestyle, it is also important to look at our habits and be cautious of which among those are actually harming our brain more than we realise.

1.       Eating too much sugar. Sugar is the number one enemy of your brain. Too much sugar in your diet can interrupt the absorption of proteins and nutrients that your brain need to stay healthy, causing malnutrition and preventing your brain from developing further.

2.       Skipping breakfast. Not only does skipping meals, particularly breakfast, affects your metabolism. It also negatively affects your brain. Your body, including your brain, goes through about seven to eight hours without fuel. So when you wake up, your brain needs nutrients to keep going and face another day. By skipping breakfast, you are depriving your brain from these much-needed nutrients. As a result, you’d struggle with problems concentrating.

3.       Multitasking. You might think that you are being productive by trying to do as many tasks possible at a single time. Unfortunately, it’s not helping you at all. Worse, it’s damaging your brain at the same time. In fact, a 2014 study by the University of Sussex found that multitasking actually shrinks the brain. Researchers found that people who are fond of multitasking has lower grey matter density in a brain area called the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), which is linked to emotional control and plays a role in decision-making, empathy and how we respond to rewards.

4.       Poor sleep habits. Sleep has a crucial role in promoting brain health. It is during sleep when the brain cleanses itself from toxins that cause long-term damage. Lack of sleep can lead to impaired memory and brain function, and is linked to many mental health disorders, such as depression, anxiety and dementia.

5.       Smoking. Cigarette smoking puts a huge toll on your mental health in many ways. First off, it impedes blood flow, depriving the brain from receiving adequate amount of nutrients from the food you eat. Next, smoking delivers thousands of toxins to your body, particularly your brain, causing severe damage that affect cognitive performance and make you more at risk of developing brain diseases.

6.       Not engaging in stimulating thoughts. Like a muscle, if you don’t exercise your brain, it gets weak. A great way to exercise your brain is to engage in stimulating thoughts. The deeper the thoughts, the better. Join a challenging group discussion, watch a documentary, or solve a difficult puzzle. Such activities are beneficial to your brain. 

7.       Overeating. Yes, consuming more calories than your body needs can cause damage to your brain too. Obesity has been linked to an increased risk of stroke, as well as heart disease and many other health problems.

A healthy brain is essential to maintaining a healthy and long life. So we should always make it a priority. By avoiding these habits, we are a step closer to a healthy and sharper brain!


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