Is Your Manager Getting into Your Nerves? - How to Deal with Bad, Ineffective Bosses

Rebecca Lewis March 24, 2020

 At work, the person who’s supposed to help you during the tough times is your boss. Now what if he’s the problem? You’re not alone. In a new study, it was found that 75% of the working adults claimed that the worst part of their job, which is also the most stressful, is their immediate boss. And whether you think your boss has some superiority complex, or is incompetent, or is a person of great meanness, this has a huge effect on your health.

Psychologist Robert Hogan, an expert on personality assessments, from Amelia Island in Florida, looked into the effects of having a bad boss to the health of employees. His work, to be presented on the upcoming annual conference of the American Psychological Association, cited several studies that show the relationship between bad bosses and employee disengagement. They include a 2010 survey carried out by the Economist Intelligence Unit that shows 84 percent of employers believe that alienated employees are among the biggest threats to their business. Hogan also cited a 1999 study showing a link between job and stress. It shows that problems at work contribute to health issues among them.

You work because you wanted to live – provide for your personal needs, put food on the table, and achieve your goals, BUT certainly not to get sick! Quitting your job just because you hate your boss is easier said than done. There are ways however, that can help you deal with problems at work and stay in ‘good’ terms with your superior. Here are a few:

1. Stay cool (even if it hurts like hell inside). It’s never a good idea to lose your temper in front of your boss or colleagues. Jill Walker, author of ‘Is Your Boss Mad?’ suggests staying cool and gentle. Instead of firing up the argument, why not ask your boss if he wants to have a cup of coffee? Being kind to others is one way of teaching them how to behave based on what you wanted.

2. Show you’re a competent employee. Don’t ruin your stats just because it would also pull down the stats of your manager during their evaluation. If there’s a growing animosity between the two of you, it’s the perfect time to show your competence by performing well at work.

3. Seek help. But never turn to your colleague. You’ll never know, that colleague of yours may just worsen the situation. Look for someone you can confide on and who can guide you. He should be in the position to do this, probably the head superior or a board member.

4. Don’t keep it inside. Speak up. There are better ways to express your emotions. Don’t say it as if you’re accusing your boss, or he might just get more furious. According to walker, bad bosses find it hard to intimidate employees who appear confident. When you know it’s no longer work-related and you haven’t done anything wrong for your boss to act that way towards you, then don’t suffer in silence. Ellen Reeves, author of careers guide ‘Can I Wear My Nose Ring to the Interview?’ said we only have one life to live so don’t waste it being abused by a nasty, incompetent boss. Again, say it properly.

As employees, we may not have an option to choose who’s going to be our boss. However, we can always manoeuvre things and make them more favourable for us.