Face Mapping: What Do those Spots and Blemishes Tell About Your Health?

Helen Holmes September 28, 2018

Did you know that your face tells a lot about what’s happening inside your body? 

For centuries, practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine have used facial analysis in determining how healthy a person is. It doesn’t always mean to say that just because you don’t feel or experience anything wrong, you’re healthy. There are facial expressions and features that can tell you whether you’re fit or not. From your forehead down to your chin, you can tell how healthy you are. And this extends to your emotional health.

Middle part of the forehead

Your forehead tells a lot about your health, particularly on your heart, small intestine, and the bladder. Congestion is a symptom of poor detoxification while a red, flaky complexion could mean that your digestive tract is in need of some lubrication. If you have both, that means your stomach is not well and should be given proper attention as soon as possible. You can improve your digestive health by consuming foods that are high on fibre. You also need to avoid processed foods and give your body some rest.

Between the eyebrows

If you’ve been consuming lots of alcohol, fatty foods, and other toxins (like from cigarette smoking), it’s more likely to reflect between your eyebrows. This is a manifestation that your liver is not healthy. A furrowed brow could also indicate that you have anger management issues. Traditional Chinese Medicine has linked liver issues with anger. And according to experts, people with stronger right brows are those who are more likely to express their anger outwardly while those with stronger left brow are better at suppressing their anger.


Our cheeks are linked to our respiratory system. A slight rash could mean that your body is a bit deprived of oxygen. You can prevent more serious problems by practising breathing techniques. According to Hannah Yang, a resident neuropath in London, anything that allows you to open and utilise the lungs would be helpful. She also recommends increasing physical exercises and trying yoga or mediation. The mid-cheeks can also be used to determine the occurrence of rosacea – a chronic condition characterised by facial redness. Persistent redness in the cheeks may also mean that you’re taking too much stimulants like coffee and alcohol.


Your lips are linked to your stomach and intestine while the surrounding area that runs down to your jowl is linked to your colon. Discoloration and spots on your lips are indications of common digestive issues like poor bowel movement, bloating, and poor appetite. On the other hand, bloody gums are a sign of stomach acidity. Lip dryness is a symptom of dehydration while cracks or sores suggest a spleen. If this is the case, you may need to take sufficient amount of vitamin B and iron.


The chin tells something about how well your kidneys and bladder are. Hormonal imbalances in the body are likely to show up here as well. If you have congestion around your chin, it’s possible that your kidneys are not healthy. Your chin can also tell whether you’re stressed or not and can indicate if you’re suffering from adrenal fatigue. Here’s the thing. Too much stress can cause your adrenaline glands to produce cortisol – the fight and flight hormone. Overtime, stress can make your kidneys ill.

While your facial expression and skin may not accurately determine your health condition, understanding facial mapping can serve as your wakeup call to develop a healthier and happier lifestyle.