Are You Chasing Your Own Goals? Or are they someone’s Else’s?

Monica Wilson December 13, 2011

 Clock is ticking. Few more days to go and its 2012! You must be very excited to witness another year coming. If you’re like most people, you must be thinking of your new year’s resolution as early as now. But instead of thinking of them, why not write them down? Then ask yourself – are these goals or plans that you I have are really mine or are they someone else’s?

Is it what you ‘really’ want?

You might think it’s bizarre. Of course, they are your plans. Your goals are your goals. But sometimes, some of our plans in life are not really intended for ourselves. We may unconsciously know it. Usually, when we think of long-term plans, we consider what other people want for us. For instance, you might be wishing to get into a medical school this coming year because your parents want it. Or perhaps, you must be thinking of losing weight to look better in the eyes of your friends.

Making a Personal to-do List: Your Goals

There’s nothing wrong in making others happy by being the person they want you to be. But sometimes, you have to think of what will it do to you in the long run. Goal setting is an essential aspect of life. Without it, you will find no reason to study or work and do your best at it. Without having a clear set of goals, you will find life less motivating. You might settle on what you have now or what you are today and regret it in the end. It’s like having a personal to-do list. If you know just exactly what you will do for today, you will be able to manage your time wisely. You will know which one is to prioritise. You will feel inspired and motivated to finish your tasks because you are guided by your targets.

Discovering Your Life’s Purpose

The question is – how do you set your goals? How do you know that what you’re wishing for in life are really the things that you want? It’s easy. Here are some tips to help you determine what it is you really want in life.

  • Imagine the person you want to be. First, you need to think of a big picture that will clearly tell you what you want to become in the near future. Then, slowly break it into small pieces. This way, you will have an idea on how you can achieve your dream by taking small steps and giving priority to the things that are necessary to achieve your ultimate goal in life.
  • Do what others want you to do so long as it doesn’t work against your will. There’s nothing wrong on doing things that people would want us to do. But make sure these things will have minimal impact on your own goals. You might be encouraged by your friends or family to take a career that you don’t have any inclination to. While it can please them, doing so may not give you happiness in the end.
  • Spend some time to think. Identifying your goals doesn’t have to be done too fast. Take your time. As you discover yourself more, you will easily determine what you want in the near future.

Many people seem to do things that they don’t really want at all. They do it because others are expecting that they would do it and it what other people think is best for them. Once you are able to meet the expectations of your parents, friends, or partner, you may feel a sudden twist of joy and happiness as you see them smile. But at the end of the day, you might not feel self-satisfaction at all. Unless what you did were things that you really want in life.