Hypnotherapy Enquiry for smoking/drinking

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Client's Location: Kilburn Ln London

Conditions : cough
Date Posted : 3/10/2017
Time Left : -2389d-5h-43m
Postcode : W10 (We only display the first part of postcode for privacy reason)
Nearest cities/towns : Kilburn Ln London
Detailed Description : Bonjour, je souhaiterai consulter pour une toux grasse persistante depuis 6 semaines, suite a un business trip aux US dans un environnement full air con. Le GP dit que cést viral et ne peut rien faire pour moi. Je suis sage-femme, 30 ans en bonne sante, nayant jamais fume. Pouvez vous mindiquer vos tarifs? Merci Translation: I would like to consult for a persistent fatty cough for 6 weeks, following a business trip in the US in a full air con environment. The GP says it’s viral and can not do anything for me. I am a midwife, 30 years healthy, nayant never smokes. Can you rate your rates? Thank you
My each session budget:Not sure
Book an appointment as soon as possible
Enquiry Status : Open
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