Hypnotherapy Enquiry for smoking/drinking

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Client's Location: Essex Rd

Conditions : cronic back pain
Date Posted : 3/10/2017
Time Left : -2389d-5h-23m
Postcode : E4 6(We only display the first part of postcode for privacy reason)
Nearest cities/towns : Essex Rd
Detailed Description : Hi My wife has suffered cronic back pain in her upper back and neck for over a decade. We’ve gone through the private health care and been assigned to specialists for bone and muscles but they’ve not understood the cause and therefore any treatment is only temporary. Also tried Osteopathy and Accupunture but again the results have always been temporary. I was reading about Reiki before and was interested. Found that you were local and wanted to find out more. I see you do a training session. Is Reiki something that can be taught? If the treatment is helpful to my wife, I’d definitely be up for learning how to treat in the future. Can you provide more details? Thanks
My each session budget:Not sure
Book an appointment as soon as possible
Enquiry Status : Open
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